Amish (Rocambole) An Amish heirloom variety. Produces nice large good looking bulbs with rosy pink and brown stripes on the bulb wrapper. Easy to grow. Averages 9 cloves per bulb.
These are prized by many famous chefs for their fine flavor and large easy to peel cloves. Beautiful scapes with single and double curls. Bulbs with single and some prone to double cloves. A shorter shelf life of approximately 5 months as a result of the loose skins so enjoy them into Fall. Needs a period of cold weather to grow large bulbs. (Vernalization). Cloves are tan to brown. This is a garlic plant I love to watch grow with the blue green large wide leaves that sway in the breeze. They are the winner of the fashion show. Most strains yield 6-10 cloves around the hard stem. One pound of seed garlic will yield approximately 50-60 plants.