Nootka Rose (Silverskin)
Nootka Rose is a beautiful bulb, silky smooth white skins with some pink blush on the outer cloves. Great flavor for a softneck variety. It has a long shelf life and makes for a great looking braid. Averages 15 cloves per bulb. Is late maturing and worth the wait. The flavor is rich and warm, but not overly hot. This is a very long-storing garlic that easily holds into the next spring or even summer. This heirloom comes from the San Juan Islands off the coast of Washington.
These are the longest storing garlic. 10-12 months. These mature later than other garlics and signals when they are ready by falling over. They can be very hot. They are most likely to produce large bulbs if planted in the spring, however, in Ohio we plant ours in the Fall.