Entries by admin

Weeding for a Living

Today is a big day for us here at the farm. Ok, No it’s not. We had planned to weed all day but it started raining last evening here in Yellow Springs so I’m finishing updating our website and listing some of our variety packages. Boring. I know, right?
We actually needed the rain but we also needed to be weeding. Ah, such is farming. Unpredictable, Out of control, but a place that I hold true passion. We strive to do everything possible to provide the garlic with everything to make it strong and beautiful and a product our customers will be glad they purchased and planted.

We Are Almost There

Harvest time is soon approaching and we are busy with chores for preparation for this event. It has been unusually hot this past week, well into the 90 degree mark, and we try to work early and late in the day and avoid the sun beating down on us. It seems like we’ve been cutting scapes for months but in actuality it has only been 2 weeks and I believe we’ve finally finished for the 2016 season. We were able to share our scapes with several local restaurants and I love seeing their menus and what creations they come up with.