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Uzbek Garlic

Uzbek Garlic

Regular price $12.00 USD
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Beautiful purple wrapped garlic. originated in Uzbekistan.


Turbans are weak-bolting hardnecks. They usually produce scapes in our Midwest climate but seldom in warmer climates. They are a good choice for the Gulf Coast and other warm climates. These are the first to harvest. They tend to mature quickly and early. The plants are shorter than other hardneck garlics. They tend to be medium-hot when eaten raw and mild when cooked. A great producer of large bulbs. They have the shortest shelf life so eat them up and enjoy them in your summer cooking. I love this garlic in summer salads with basil, corn, onion, peppers and vinegar and tomatoes. Just blend them with what the garden has to offer. Yum. They are a pretty garlic with blotched or purple stripes. Cloves are tan to pink. Stores approximately 5-7 months. Turban garlics are distinctive because their leaves grow at a wide angle to the stem. Flower stalks may make perfect 270 degree curls that leave bulbil capsules floating and bobbing in the air like birds in flight. These plants are so beautifull that they are sometimes used in landscaping, and the tops used in floral arrangements. It is OK to eat your Turbans before they have cured all the way. Turbans are great producers and yield very large bulbs.

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