Asiatic strain from South Korea. A sweet garlic when cooked and bold raw. A productive and easy to grow garlic. 5-7 cloves per bulb. Asiatics harvest earlier to other garlics
The latest research classifies Asiatics as hardnecks genetically closest to Rocambole, Purple Stripe, and Porcelain. s size up very well without removal of the flower stalk which is usually short, drooping, and coiled. The bulbil capsule is long and wrinkled like a dried bean pod. Bulbil capsules contain only a few large dark purple bulbils. Bulbs have a tendency to be striped with fine lines that run from top to bottom. Cloves are very firm and plump. Clove skins are thick and semi-glossy. Asiatic garlics mature very suddenly, just ahead of other Artichokes. They should be harvested just as soon as leaves begin to brown.